The best command compositions Overwatch 2: TOP [10]

With many changes and refinements made in the second part of Overwatch, tests and the desire to climb the service stairs remain unchanged. In this Overwatch 2 guide, we will consider the best command compositions in the game and why you should formulate them.

The best compositions of Overwatch 2 commands

If you played the last part of Overwatch, you may already know how quickly the game gives you challenges.

To survive, you need a team that will use all its abilities and face any threat. A well-cohesive team is vital to rise in the ranking or win in fast games.

Despite the fact that there are so many wonderful characters to choose from, some of which have been improved and processed, it is still extremely important that you convince strangers or friends around you to participate in competitions in order to get mutual benefits.

Just like the variety of players, there are various compositions that players can combine and mix to create a team that will work better in different situations, areas and maps.

If you play a default role in OW2, your team will consist of one tank, 2 damages and 3 support characters. There is no such coercion in the open queue, but the maximum number of players remain 5 by 5.

Below are some of our best recommendations for the command staff for OW2, mainly based on two or three heroes. You can add, subtract, duplicate or change in accordance with your game style.

aggressive dominant composition

  • Tank: Junker Queen
  • DPS: Genii
  • DPS: stay
  • Support: Bridget
  • Support: Lucio

Starting from our first composition for OW2, we have Junker Queen, Genii, Sojourn, Brigitte and Lucio.

If you are well versed in game heroes, you may be wondering why we do not have a main tank or doctor in this composition, and the answer is: Junker Queen is quite enough.

We use it as our chief leader in this composition, which is responsible for increasing the speed of group members and covering other defense regions. It is great for the protection of the allies, as well as to prevent the healing of the allies with the help of its abilities against rebuffs.

The next in the team we have Genii. He has excellent mobility when he makes a breakthrough, and you need to use this to destroy enemies with a low level of health.

Connect it and its highest abilities with Junker Queen or Lucio; You have a strategy of end grading right here.

Giving us a great opportunity to discuss Lucio; He is excellent support that can survive during heavy battles. He has excellent ability to climb the walls, and he can neutralize enemies due to his ability of the sound barrier.

Sojourn-our second DPS in this command staff, which is great for killing from one shot and reviving oneself.

And finally, we have a Bridget, the Great Queen, who strengthens the team with its healing abilities and enhances the offensive and protective attacks of his team.

Classic 3


  • Tank: Reinhardt
  • Tank: dawn
  • Support: Lucio

Our second team of the team consists of a classic three, Lucio, Dawn and Reinhardt. We say that it is classic because of their cohesion and how well they complement each other.

Two tanks interact very well with each other and give a charge of energy. At the same time, Lucio allows this combo actively turn on and disconnected. As a result, this trio can dictate the course of the game and carry the rest of his team.

It is a pity that this computer can only work in Open Queue, but it works well.

Some is from this Kulak

  • DPS: Samba
  • Tank: Fist of Death

Do you like the game that we made there? Samba and a fist of death, perhaps, are one of the best heroes who can be collected and used as part of your team.

They have the best synergy, and they work very well together. They cause great damage to their enemies, stun them and disable them. Furthermore, they are a team from hell for your opponents.

Possessing hacker abilities, Samba perfectly knows how to manipulate those over whom the power has. This ability allows her to influence enemies and allows the fist of death to jump and attack opponents.

Samba is sadly known for her dirty set of skills, but this is what makes her beautiful for us. It also has secretive abilities and exhausting attacks that deplete enemies.

The fist of death, on the other hand, is a highly mobile advanced tank and can discard enemies. With good communication, this command staff is invincible.

fight Comp

  • DPS: May
  • DPS: Reaper
  • Support: Lucio

Moving forward, we have a Brawl Comp, the purpose of which is to blow off enemies on the field.

Although there are many options for heroes causing damage, we still saw that May and Reaper are complemented by each other very well.

With the help of its aerosol weapons and the abilities of May can slow down enemies and freeze them. As long as she does this, she creates an opportunity for a Rap to inflict great damage from close range.

This creates greater synergy between them, which makes them an ideal duet for applying damage. The reaper, on the other hand, also works well individually, since he is an armed killer who can move and destroy enemies.

Although they are both magnificent, they still lack abilities when it comes to movement due to their limited mobility.

This is where Lucio comes to the rescue. He is a healer who will increase their speed and allow them to move in the arena with their murderous abilities to destroy opponents.

send spam

  • DPS: Heinz
  • DPS: rat

What could be better than falling asleep enemies with attacks even before they get a chance to get closer to you? Heinz and rat-propeller make up an ideal combination for spam-composition, which focuses on applying damage in long battle and does not allow enemies to approach you.

Hand is an archer with a quiver of reinforced arrows. His abilities and weapons allow him to focus on inflicting damage to enemies at a distance before they even try to involve him in a near or suffocating battle. While the rat, on the other hand, is equipped with a fragmentation launchers and weapons limiting the area.

He can blow up enemies at a distance and lure them into steel traps. This person has all the attacks necessary for passing any complex test.

Together he and Hand are a team of dreams that sends spam to the enemies from afar.

Even if someone approaches, they will all drain, and they will be easy to erase. This combination is perfect and plays well on almost every map.


  • Tank: Winston
  • DPS: tracer
  • Support: Kenyatta

If you are a fan of quick murders and many boom-bum, this set is for you. Met immersion was, perhaps, one of the strongest in the original Overwatch, and little remained unchanged in Overwatch 2.

Synergy of this trio is impeccable, and, frankly, everything you need to get rid of many enemies at once.

Fraser and Kenyatta have excellent attack strategies that allow them to aim at enemies and even attack those who can resist them or get away from them.

At the same time, Winston involves the front line and creates space. This combo gives explosive damage that will damage any enemy who will meet in their way.

fantastic 3

  • Tank: Oriya
  • Tank: Turbofan
  • DPS: May

This composition includes Boris, Turbofan and May. We call them a fantastic three, because together they work best. And again, this computer works only in an open queue due to the restrictions of the tank.

While Oriya and Turbofan go hand in hand, like bread with butter, May is the third element that adds enough taste. Two tanks combine abilities and work well on maps that do not require a lot of movement.

On the contrary, May can freeze goals and kill them. Moreover, she can slam other enemies of the healing of their allies.


  • Tank: Oriya
  • Tank: Sigma
  • Support: Baptist

The next in the list we have what we call a meta-company for Overwatch 2 (for an open line). This is the most powerful composition, and she has always been a favorite of the public.

This combo can also be mastered by lower ranks and will help create a stable base of the shield and space from which your teammates can easily act.

The Sigma barrier, supported by the new ORIYA changes, such as Javelin Spin, creates a missile wall that softens almost all incoming damage.

Remaining behind these two tanks, the bastion can sow chaos on the enemy front line even outside the construction of its patrol turrets.

Team wipers

  • Tank: dawn
  • DPS: Samba
  • Tank: Fist of Death

Another powerful trio in our list is dawn, samba and a fist of death. Their synchronization with everyone and support for various reasons-this is what the trio does invincible and difficult to fight.

With good development, they can destroy many enemies. They are a destructive, proactive and deadly combination.

Sniper duet

  • DPS: Heinz
  • DPS: Fatal widow
  • Support: Mercy

This double sniper combination in OW2 will eliminate the largest threats that you will encounter, and guarantees that you will easily come out of complex scenarios.

The Hanzo-Widowmaker composition in OW2 is invincible on the hills maps and works best. Mercy, on the other hand, is great to provide this duet with excellent support when they cause damage.


  • Support: Mercy
  • Support: Kenyatta
  • DPS: Soldier 76

This is another composition with high damage, which is great for the balancing of the lack of healing in the team and damage due to discord of Kenyatta and increasing the damage to the angel. Adding a soldier 76 is ideal for quick mobility and self-healing.

shield destroyers

  • Tank: Oriya
  • Tank: Turbofan
  • DPS: Heinz

And the last, but no less important: we have Oriya, Turbofan and Heinz. An excellent trio to break the shields, attract enemies, share information and punish enemies at the corners. They have excellent synergy, and this is exactly what you need for an excellent combination in Overwatch 2.


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