3 Do not know the valve, so unpublished new,

Free Game Aperture Desk Start (Aperture Desk Job) of the valve released with steam deck disclosure. Although it was noticed as a novel game play, there is a look at the internal code to exclude the fans.

Valve News Network and Valve The Tyler McCaver, also known as the internal source spill, has released information on titles that the valve has not yet revealed through their own video channels. 70 pages from the data mining of the aperture desk holds, Citadel, Half Life: Alix 2, Counter Strike: Global Open Subs 2, and the rework of a portal game related to the canceled.

Half Life: In Alic, the appearance of a subsequent appearance such as an Gordon Freeman, such as an existing Half Life world view, as well as the last place, is actually a predicted work.

The work is Citadel. Shitel's start will go back to last 2019. Half Life: The various internal sources of the valve in the early 2019, before the development of Alix is ​​the official announcement, said the valve is in developing three new games. One of them is Half Life: Alix, and the story that the other will be Citadel.

Since then, Citadel's code mentioned on the valve's online game 'Dota 2' in April 2019 updates. In addition, the Tyler McCaver also released the details of Citadel through Steam and Dota 2 Tora Maining last November. According to him, Citadel is an FPS that combines a real-time strategy based on a half-life world view and a nose option that reminds me of the Left 4 dead. In particular, this aperture desk job was reported to include a significant amount of Citadel code annotation.

Meanwhile, F-STOP, known as the portal-related game of valves, has been disclosed in the source code of the valve in the last 2020. The F-stop is a f value indicating the degree of opening and closing of the camera. The free game aperture desk job that is released this time can identify the association between the two works, which means the aperture of the camera as a portal world view.

Half-Life Leak Goldmine - Portal Desk Job Datamine

However, it is not known that the reference code exists, so these works are actually released. The valve hidden the annotation that seemed to be a new work in different works.

Meanwhile, various unpublished works are included in the aperture desk grab, but the content of portal 3 or Harp Life 3 is not available at all. The actual work will be released, or it is unlikely that the valve's Easter Egg is not, but it does not handle the case for 3.


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